Hace unos días Jessie J contaba en su cuenta de Instagram que tendría que pasar una temporada en el hospital y que por eso estaría alejada de las redes sociales.

Aunque no explicó a qué se debía esta hospitalización, aseguró que no tenía nada que ver con sus problemas de corazón ni con sus cuerdas vocales y publicaba un vídeo donde podíamos verla antes y después de la intervención, en la que no se le veía muy buena cara.

Pero al parecer algo ha hecho que la recuperación sea más larga de lo previsto y días después volvió a publicar un foto en la misma red social de su brazo vendado y con varias vías donde explica que no se encuentra muy bien, que siente bastante dolor y que "el ser humano es una mierda cuando no quieres parar pero el cuerpo no responde".

Esperemos que Jessie J se recupere lo antes posible y podamos verla encima de un escenario de nuevo.

On fleek to on bleek real quick | lol Before 😏 | After 😣 I'm going to be offline for a few days and I wanted to show you why | I don't often share personal stuff (especially about my health) anymore | I just get on with it secretly 😉 | but I wanted to share with you before someone else might and it gets twisted and exaggerated into something different or worse. Meh. 😒 Just know I am ok as I say in the video on the right | I had an operation yesterday so need to rest | I won't be saying what for so PLEASE don't keep asking me or harassing my close ones on here or anywhere for information | Its personal and I know you can respect that | I just wanted to explain to my fans why I may go AWOL for a minute | Love, prayers and well wishes is all I need ❤️ Sleep | rest | maybe some pie and mash 🙊 but mostly focusing my mind on getting my body better | and for the record it's not my heart or my voice | my heart and voice are FINE | ✊🏼 I want to take a moment to send a virtual hug and kiss out to anyone in pain or suffering at the moment. In hospital or at home. There is always someone worse off than us and in moments like this I pray for you all | Hospitals have been my secret second home my whole life and they never get nice to be in | But they can inspire a great song | Trying to see the positive in everything ☺️ Night gown could be good for the Voice live shows look too right? No? Too Much? 🐸☕️ lol Peace out for a minute people 🙋🏻 As Arni said on Graham Norton last night | "I'll be back" 😁
Un vídeo publicado por Jessie J (@isthatjessiej) el

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